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Go the extra mile this Lent!

This Lent, join us for a group Whole 30 food challenge that goes the extra mile! Improve your health with the life-changing Whole 30 program while you pray, fast, and give alms as your Lenten sacrifice. But there’s a twist! We’re going 40 days instead of the 30 days, with a reintroduction period that ends on Easter.

In this group, we will post a daily intention for your fasting and prayer based on a weekly theme. Together we will pray for our nation, Church, world, and more! We will also post motivation from friends and saints, a weekly reflection, and allow you to share your successes/struggles/intentions/ideas.

Since you won’t be buying that daily Starbucks fix, we will post a donation link for those 40 days of lattes to benefit the ministry work of the Saint John Institute. The donation is optional, but encouraged and absolutely appreciated.

An example of your latte factor donation: Every day, you buy a tall caramel macchiato for $3.75, so your donation would be 40 x $3.75 or $150. If you’re a venti pumpkin spice latte junkie, that would be $210. Maybe Starbucks isn’t your thing. Maybe it’s your Friday night beer and pizza or your Taco Tuesday. Get all kinds of creative! At the end of 40 days, you will be just as broke, but a lot healthier and holier!

You might be wondering if you have to be Catholic to participate? Nope! Praying, fasting, and charitable giving are for all Christians. If there is a daily intention that does not apply to you (for example, when we pray for our Pope), please feel free to substitute your own personal intention that day!

Together, we can restore + thrive!




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